
Great Communities Collaborative (GCC) is a multi-sector network of organizations and agencies that together envision and advance a socially equitable economically prosperous, and environmentally sustainable 9 county Bay Area region. GCC network partners collaborate to address the challenges of regional land use, transportation, housing and climate resilience toward the outcome of a region that is made up of healthy, thriving neighborhoods that are affordable to low income communities of color and well connected to regional opportunities.

  • The plans in which [GCC partners] were involved had higher levels of steady community involvement from beginning to end, and gave the city a fuller understanding of what mattered to the community.

    Laura Cominzki Planner Oakland
  • The Catalyst Grant was exactly what the Mission community needed at exactly the right time. Without the grant, I believe the project never would have happened.

    Jeremy Shaw Former Executive Director, Mission Community Market

Great Communities Collaborative Strategic Priorities

Equitable and Sustainable Communities
Public Land
Climate Resilience

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